Home - Institute for Respiratory Health
Help make WA a lung research superpower

Help us save lives—support game-changing research to prevent lung disease and improve lung health.

The Institute for Respiratory Health

The Institute for Respiratory Health is a medical research institute dedicated specifically to investigating respiratory disease.

Clinical trials

We undertake clinical trials into asthma, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, bronchiectasis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and vaccines.


The Institute for Respiratory Health has been researching lung diseases for over 25 years. It’s what finds cures and treatments and changes people’s lives for the better.

LIFE Community Group

Run by and for people with chronic lung disease, their families, and carers. LIFE members share experiences and learn to manage their condition together.

Leave a gift in your will

Your gift can help us achieve our vision for a world where everyone breathes with healthy lungs.