Celebrate and give
Do you have a special occasion coming up?
Why not celebrate and donate at the same time and turn your celebration into a gift that keeps on giving.
You can make your special occasion truly meaningful by asking your guests to make a gift to lung disease research in lieu of presents. Especially if you, or a friend or family member is affected by a respiratory condition, you will know how much new drugs or treatments can improve everyday life.
Giving a gift in celebration of a birthday, wedding, anniversary, festive or religious event is a special way to add meaning to an occasion. Your memorable moments can give hope for a better future to those with respiratory disease.
How do I give in celebration?
You can set up an online gift charity registry page today by setting up your own fundraising page. Or, you can direct your guests to our online donation form on this page.
By mail
Make cheques payable to the Institute for Respiratory Health and send to:
The Institute for Respiratory Health
Level 2, 6 Verdun Street
Nedlands WA 6009
By phone
Phone +61 8 6151 0815 and have your credit card details ready. Please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at sarah.cermak@resphealth.uwa.edu.au if you would like any specific help to give in memory.