Annual General Meeting - Institute for Respiratory Health

Annual General Meeting

The Institute for Respiratory Health is pleased to invite all members to the 2021 Annual General Meeting.


Date: Thursday 13th May 2021

Time: 5.00pm – 6.00pm.

Refreshments: Food and drinks will follow the meeting.

Venue: Ground Floor, Seminar Room G24, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, 6 Verdun Street Nedlands.

RSVP: Alison at or call 6151 0797 by Thursday 6th May.

At the meeting, members will be asked to; accept the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting, accept the annual financial statements, appoint an auditor and elect members of the Board.

The following documents are enclosed:

Nominations for the Board are now being accepted and must be received by 5pm on Thursday 26th November. The following Board Members are seeking re-nomination:

  • Sue Morey
  • Johnson Kitto
  • Gary Lee

If you have any questions please contact Sarah Cermak on or 6151 0815.