Beat the winter chill & protect your lungs with this simple scarf trick - Institute for Respiratory Health

Beat the winter chill & protect your lungs with this simple scarf trick

Friday, July 12, 2024 | News

As temperatures drop over the next few days, the Institute for Respiratory Health urges everyone, especially those with lung conditions like asthma, to take steps to protect their lung health. One easy and effective method to combat the cold is the scarf trick.

The scarf trick involves loosely wrapping a lightweight scarf around your nose and mouth before heading outdoors.

Professor Yuben Moodley, deputy director at the Institute for Respiratory Health said, “This simple step helps warm the air you breathe in, reducing the risk of cold air triggering respiratory issues like asthma attacks or increased mucus production.

“By warming the air before it enters your lungs, the scarf trick can help prevent irritating your airways and other cold-induced breathing problems.”

Professor Moodley advises there are several other practical tips you can follow to protect your lung health during the colder months, especially in the early mornings and late at night when temperatures tend to drop significantly.

Other things you can do include:

  • Breathing techniques: Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. This helps to warm and humidify the air before it reaches your lungs.
  • Stay warm when outside: Wear layers of thinner clothing instead of one thick layer. Thermal underwear can be particularly effective. Don’t forget to keep your head, hands, and feet warm with a hat, gloves, and extra socks.
  • Preventer inhaler: If you have asthma take your preventer inhaler as prescribed so your lungs are less sensitive to the cold air.
  • Maintain good hygiene: Winter is flu season, so practice good hygiene to avoid infections that could exacerbate respiratory conditions.
  • Stay active safely: Spending time outside is important for your mental health. Protect your airways by wearing a mask or scarf when outside and try to avoid outdoor exercise during particularly cold days.

By taking these steps, you can stay safe and breathe easy during the upcoming cold snap. For more top tips on managing your lung health this winter, visit